Spring is on its way, and Summer will be here before we know it. Isn’t it all about spending warm sunny days on the beach swimming and relaxing with your loved ones?
Bathing suits are synonymous with the beach. We all want to look good and not be concerned about our bodies while on vacation, which is where we come in! You don’t need to go to the gym or buy any equipment to get your physique beach-ready. The best part is that all you’ll need is your own body weight and 30 minutes every day!
How To Get Your Body Beach-Ready? – Try These Quick And Healthy Tips To Get In Shape For The Beach
We’ve compiled a terrific list of 6 excellent beach body suggestions that you may use right away for a stunning hot beach body in just a few months.
1. Put down the snacks – Snacking is one of those unintentional traps we all get stuck in. From pulling out an apple to polishing off a pack of biscuits, it’s easy to let the extra calories creep in that ultimately stall your weight loss. Whether food has become a bit of comfort over the last hard months or you’re reaching for “healthy” snacks, snacking can become a mindless activity before you know it.
Take a moment to log your snacks throughout the day, that way you’ll quickly see how much you are overeating. If it’s a case of making some healthier swaps to help you on your way, that’s a good place to start.
The best way to cut calories is to stick to well-balanced meals three to four times a day. That way, you can keep a track of what you are eating and fill yourself up with beneficial vitamins and minerals, rather than your sweet-tooth five a day!
2. Cut the booze – Now we all know how relaxing the odd tipple can be, but getting the beach body of your dreams requires some small sacrifices. When it comes to alcohol, you need to weigh up the cost-benefits of the empty-calorific elixir!
Reducing your calorific intake over time will encourage your body to burn stored fat, and for some of us, all those months sitting around working from home have taken their toll.
According to the American Journal of Nutrition, a study showed that on average, men can consume an extra 433 calories on days when they have a couple of drinks. Inhibitions are lowered, and sticking to a diet becomes much more taxing. In short, stay clear of the bar!
3. Eat collagen-boosting foods – Ripply legs and wobbly bums all go hand in hand with being a woman. With over 90% of us adorned with cellulite, even the fittest and leanest amongst us still have to endure the often unwanted orange peel. Fortunately, you are not alone and there are some collagen-boosting foods you can easily add to your diet to give your buns the fighting chance for this summer:
- Dark-coloured berries such as blueberries and blackberries
- Flaxseed
- Almonds, cashews and other vitamin-E-rich nuts
- Leafy greens such as kale, spinach and a handful of broccoli
- Don’t forget to increase your water intake!
4. Take time for self-care – Tired, stressed and feeling unmotivated often comes down to a lack of self-care. Balancing work, home, children and lifestyle is undeniably a tricky path to walk. Finding time to focus on your self-care may be at the bottom of your priority list, but your general well-being and mental health will definitely thank you for it later!
Whether you have a weekly pamper sesh at home, have a soak in the tub or immerse yourself in nature, finding time to relax is all part of the deal. Everything from your immune system to your skin will look fresher and brighter as a result too. If you are struggling to shift the excess weight that just won’t budge, investing in a treatment such as Aqualyx London may be the extra boost you need.
5. Sleep – Did you know that prolonged sleep deprivation not only affects your mental health but can hinder you from losing weight? So much so, that your body releases a hunger-stimulating hormone called ghrelin in response to your lack of sleep rather than leptin – the hormone that signals to your brain that you are full. Whether your physique goals require fat loss or muscle gain, getting enough sleep is the key to your success:
- Sleep debt disrupts your chemical and hormonal balance which causes excess hunger and hard-to-suppress cravings
- As you sleep your body recovers from intense exercise. Cell regeneration repairs muscles and tissues
- Sleep deprivation decreases willpower and you’ll find sticking to a routine much harder
- Less sleep = high sugar snacks to make you feel more alert, but makes you pile on the pounds
6. Increase your exercise – Whether you feel more comfortable working out at home or hitting the gym, there are plenty of ways to increase your daily exercise:
- High-Intensity Interval Training (HITT) – Time effective and great for burning fat, there’s a reason why HITT workouts have become most people’s go-to workout. Alternating between short bouts of high-intensity exercise and short bouts of recovery time, it’s easy for any level of fitness to get on board.
- Simple changes – It’s no secret that increasing your heart rate and getting your blood pumping is essential for aiding weight loss. So start small:
- Take the stairs, not the lift
- Spend less time in front of the screen and walk around your local park
- Up your activity on the weekends
- Don’t sit in the staff room for your whole lunch break – get outside
- Working from home – break up your day with little bursts of activity. You’ll become more productive, as well as bust some extra pounds
- Select exercises that focus on your core – You can’t get your body beach ready without focusing on your core. So look for exercises that require extra core strength such as pushups, bodyweight rows, front squats and deadlifts. To build up muscle, check out weighted hip thrusts to firm up your glutes!
What Is The Best Diet To Get a Summer Body Beach-Ready?
If you want to lose weight this summer, no matter what diet you pick, it’s critical to control your portion sizes. However, this does not imply starving oneself. Extreme diets and exercise regimens eventually fail because they are just too difficult to sustain, and most individuals rapidly revert to their old, unhealthy habits.
The most effective strategy to lose weight is to combine a healthy eating plan with an efficient and lasting training regimen that will give you the results you want without completely disrupting your life. Most essential, if you’re looking to shed a few pounds, find a diet plan that doesn’t make you feel restricted, where the rules are simple, and the healthy lifestyle is simple to follow, so you can keep your summer figure long after the beach weather has passed.
What Are The Healthy Recipes To Get Your Body Beach-Ready?
1. Smoothie – Are you running late but still need a nutritious breakfast? You can try any smoothie which you like having in the morning. It’s as simple as tossing a few nutritious ingredients into your blender – and it’s high in protein, so it’ll keep you full until lunch!
2. Chopped Green Chicken Salad – A simple and tasty salad dish which is an excellent way to increase your greens intake while still obtaining enough lean protein to keep you satisfied for longer.
3. Grass Fed Burger Salad – It has 31 grams of protein with only 8 grams of carbs, which makes it incredibly suitable for low-carb dieters and those on the trendy keto diet.